Specialist Programmes
Bentley Primary School is fortunate to have a specialist science teacher and a purpose build science and technology learning hub. We use a range of engaging resources linked to Australian Curriculum Science, including Inquisitive, Primary Connections and Scitech DIY Science Kits. Students also participate in STEM projects utilising our awesome TeacherGeek Makerspace Trolley focusing on the engineering design process.
Visual Arts
All students at Bentley Primary School from Kindy to Year 6 enjoy a Visual Arts programme that is facilitated by a specialist Art teacher. This programme provides an exciting and challenging place for students to engage on a journey of discovery, experimentation and problem solving through various media such as ceramics, painting and textiles that are linked to the Australian Curriculum.
All students from Kindy to Year 6 at Bentley Primary School from Kindy to Year 6 enjoy specialist Drama lessons. This programme inspires and enriches all students' imaginations and encourages them to reach their creative and expressive potential.
Speech Pathology
Through a partnership with the Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation, students requiring additional speech and language support have the opportunity to work directly with qualified speech pathologists.